We arrived safe and sound at Charlotte airport at around 3pm local time and Bret and a guy called Jim were here waiting and excited to see us. We then had a 40 minute drive through South Carolina to get to the JAARS facility in Waxhaw, NC. (two states ticked off in 40 minutes!) Once we arrived we were quickley shown to our accomodations which turned out to be really nice 3 bedroom apartments! The facility here is set in fantastic countryside and is really beautiful. As soon as we arrived we spotted a group playing soccer out on the JAARS soccer field. Nick

and Phil couldn't resist the temptation and were soon running around in what became an epic game...at one point there were over 28 people on the field and no one really knew who was on what team! After a couple of hours they were finally enticed off the pitch by pizza! We had a chance to settle in and then walk to the Olive Branch building which is the missionary kids (MK's) building, to have a look at the work that needs to be done...there is a LOT of dry wall and painting to do. We will be working alongside the construction and maintainence (CAM) team from JAARS. They already have a full itinerary set for us for the week, including evening activities, so we are looking forward to a full, fun, and defintely busy week. After all that we settled in for a good "friendly" and competitive game of cards before getting an early night. Morning devotions start at 7:45am! Before we went to bed, we had a chance to sit down as a team and Steve has challenged us to spend the week allowing God to challenge us both in our personal lives and with our world view of what missions is.

We thank you all for your prayers and support. The staff here are all so excited and so encouraged that we are here and we praise God for bringing us here. The week is going to be full of challenges and we ask you to pray that God will sustain us, give us strength and safety, and that will will gain a greater understanding of His work throughout the globe. Yours in Him The North Carolina team