The team is now home safe and sound, and what a fantastic trip!
Friday was our last devotion time with the CAM team before heading to the Olive branch and our last day of working. There was a final bit of mudding left to do in the main room before getting the sanders out and by the end of the day the ceiling had been partially painted and primer was going on the walls. In the meeting room all the walls and ceiling had been painted and the trim painting begun. There was some time, in amongst all the hard work, for us to experience the off road driving course that they use to teach missionaries how to drive on the most difficult and dangerous terrain that they may face in the field. It was great fun but it really does serve a purpose. That evening we got to go into downtown Waxhaw for dinner
as a team and just spend time together swapping stories and talking about what God has taught us while we have been here. The day was also spent saying final goodbyes with all the people we have met and worked with on this trip, and what amazing people we have met, especially Beth, who organized all the housing, trips, tours and dinners for us, and Vernon (from CAM) who worked alongside us everyday to keep us in line!!! Here at JAARS they really try and prepare their missionaries in all aspects of living overseas from communication to driving to vehicle
maintenance to construction. Everything they do here has a purpose and that is to enable the translation of God's word into every language of the world, and each department has a part to play in that.
Saturday morning the guys got to go and have breakfast and Bible study with the high school boys, and then it was cleaning and packing before heading off. There was just enough time to go to the Billy Graham Library with the Taylors before heading home.
It really has been such an amazing trip. To get to spend time with Bret, to see his ministry first hand and to help in some way was such a blessing, but more than see God's work first hand and to really have our eyes opened to what missions TRULY is, was an honor and blessing.
Thought from the trip:
Matthew 28:19-20
19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.
Jesus did not issue a suggestion, but a command! We may not all be called to go to another country but we are ALL called to serve in God's "mission" in some way whether that be preparing people to go, prayerfully, practically or financially supporting them while they are overseas, or supporting families coming back!
Thank you so much for all your prayers and support. It is amazing what we have been able to achieve in 5 days and we were all kept safe. Please continue to pray for Bret and Mindy and their ministry in JAARS. We have seen first hand just how important it is and what a blessing they are to the families of Wycliffe.
Yours in His service
North Carolina Team