Well, we made it through Thursday! The mural is for the gym is designed and ready to paint (they will do this after we leave). The bathroom is coming along and ready for tiling to start today. We played hide and seek with the kids last night all over the compound- and in the dark! There was lots of screaming and laughing- and some kids who hid so well that we couldn't find them! Mac Mac (one of the high school boys) hid under the wheel well of the bus through an entire game of hide and seek and a game of red light green light- he had hidden himself so well that we had all stopped looking! The kids also ended up in the trees and on the roof and up the water tower- they are crazy climbers!
We are finishing up the week with our last work day on the bathrooms. The guys are sifting sand and laying tile, and the gals are varnishing the chess table.
We are looking forward to an evening out with the staff tonight. We are bringing along all of the sweet letters that you wrote, along with all the cards from the kids. We so want to honor all of these beautiful and hard working staff members for the work they do daily for the kids, the school, and the community.
Tomorrow we are doing two medical outreach and feeding programs. Please pray for each person that comes through for help- and pray for endurance and strength for the staff and the team. Jeff taught the staff how to clean ears and do more types of exams and we are very excited to see what God has in store for us.
This will also give us a chance to practice our Tagalong. The kids have been teaching the team anatomy and questions like, "How long have you had pain in your toe?" The kids and staff have been very patient with us- and are having great fun being our teachers.
Thank you for all your prayers! We miss and love you all.
The team