Hello everyone!
We wrapped up Wednesday with an afternoon of chess (we are painting two new chessboards in the shade structure for the summer camp) and shifting more sand for the plaster on the bathroom walls. The afternoon was HOT HOT HOT- so our guys and the workers here took things nice and slow.
Our amazing cooks and Naomi and David joined us for dinner. David (the principal of the school) gave his testimony. He and his new bride just found out they are expecting a new little one- so we celebrated their news with them. It is such a blessing to fellowship and pray and share with the staff here.
Besides giving money for the medical supplies and the building project, we were able to help purchase new t-shirts for everyone here at Sankey. The new World Harvest shirts for the kids and staff came in last night- so we had a big t-shirt party in the gym. All the shirts were in Filipino sizes- so we all ended up with L, XL, and XXL shirts! It was quite a hoot!
For the craft, the kids also made cards for the staff. We are taking the staff out to dinner on Friday night to their favorite restaurant- so we are saving the cards until then. We were also able to provide financial gifts for all the staff families here, allowing Toto to sending them on vacation for a few days to their favorite resort a few hours away. He told them yesterday about the vacation- and there were many smiles all around!
ing at ka! (take care!)