Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Post #7 Wednesday

Wednesday, Dec.   12
Today we visited our dear friends at the Home for the Aged. This home is a special place for the elderly who are orphaned and have no family to care for them. Several of the dear ones, like Isabel and Alejandro remembered us and were happy to smile and chat while we cleaned ears and did exams. Several of the residents and the nursing staff were suffering from skin rashes, which turned out to be scabies. So Jeff P and Toto spent most of the morning helping the staff prepare to treat every patient and nurse, as well as the nurses’ families for scabies. So along with medications, rice, sardines, and supplies, the residents will get new mattresses and scabies medication.
Please pray for these dear ones and for the staff as they prepare for this treatment and transition. It is going to be a battle to eradicate the infestation!
The floating restaurant was our next stop. What a feast! We have been so well fed here. Lucy and Lito who cook for us are fantastic chefs and Noah is addicted to Filipino food!

We also had an opportunity to rest and play this afternoon and evening. It was much needed after several long days of medical work. And now we are ready to tackle another day!