Today our team partnered with The Lord Reigns Covenant Community Church and the Quezon Medical Society. We had three other physicians and a whole team of church folks join us for the day. We estimate that we saw between 125-150 people. There were quite a few little kiddos and lots of babies this time- which kept our doctors very busy.
Each of our team members ran a station with the help of one of the Sankey staff and one of the kids. Kelly ran the breathing station and gave asthma treatments. There are lots of folks here with cronic asthma and every treatment helps. Kurt ran the wound station with Richard (one of the high school studetnts) and Mary Anne, one of the teachers. He was even brave enough to lance a very sick little baby's pussy sore. He is now known as the Puss Buster. Ryan ran the pharmacy with Malou (one of the Sankey's staff) and Christina Lyn, and did math all day without losing his patience once! La Ne' moved from station to station helping where need, and making sure Jeff had all his supplies and a steady stream of patients. Jeff did a great job taking time with each patient and interfacing the other physicians. Mac Mac- one of the high school students did a wonderful job translating for Jeff. We also had a triage station, an ear cleaning station, and an eye check station all run by the Sankey staff and kids. At the very last station, the pastors prayed for each patient before they headed out.
The church also sponsored a feeding program- and took special care of each patient while they waited. They even quickly moved them all inside when the sky dumped rain for a bit.
In the lulls between patients we laughed and played with all of the little muchkins that were running around the church building. They teased and tickled us and taught us Tagolog words for everything from body parts to colors to animals. We gave away thousands of stickers to the giggling, crazy kids.
Due to the efficiency of all of our helpers, we saw every patient and were able to clean up and share lunch together before the 2 PM end time. This gave us time to come home and shower, rest, and play with the kids. We taught them wiffle ball, played kick ball, and threw around a frisbee in the pouring rain. One of our favorite parts of playing with the kids is the screaming excitement at every home run, foul ball, or pretty much any play of any game. Kelly (who is not typically a screamer) lost her voice after hollering and playing her heart out.
We are having a movie night in the gym tonight- the kids are all movie lovers. They ooh and ahh and cheer for the good guys, and hiss and boo at the bad guys. It should be great fun, as long as the power stays on. We had a brown out for several hours today- hence the playing in the rain, instead of in the gym where it was to dark to see the flying balls!
We have a day of church and rest and play scheduled for tomorrow. Signing off and sending love- The Philippines Team.