We spent our day today at a home for the age-ed (a much more respectful name than “old folks home”). There is only one such home here in the entire province of Quezon. The home is up in the mountains (about 1,500 ft above sea level), in an area that is lush and green from the daily rain.
The home was started by a nurse and her husband who were caring for an older gentleman they rescued from his little island in the middle of the river, where he was squatting. The lovely home has grown and now houses many beautiful elderly folks. The rooms are clean and fresh, the gardens are lush, and the each resident is cared for with dignity. We had great fun chatting with them and learning their stories while Jeff did checkups. We also tried to bargain off Ryan to all the single ladies, who thought he was quite the catch. We sent Kurt, Ryan, and Alan out to get little Christmas treats for all the residents. They braved the torrential downpour to get the treats, and got much love and sympathy from the residents when they returned wet and bearing gifts!
Kelly and La Ne' sat at a table with several incredible women- Isabel, Felisa, Theodora, and Corazon. Corazon Rey made us write down her name and repeat it over and over so that we would not forget her. She understood many of our English words, and kept us in giggles. She knew phrases like “rain, rain, go away, and come again another day” (an apt phrase for their rainy climate). After holding her hand and getting to know her, her name is now truly written on our hearts!
After our visit to the home, we had a chance to share lunch with many of the staff at the floating restaurant. The food was fantastic and the laughter was loud. We were serenaded by the Filipino version of a mariachi band- and even got Kuya Toto (Sankey's director) to sing a few lines with them.
On this Thanksgiving Day, we want to express our thanks to our great and might God who has been with us every moment of this trip and again to all of the folks at home who are praying and supporting us. The gifts you sent with us have been a true blessing to the kids and staff at Sankey- as well as the surrounding communities! THANK YOU!
Thanks from La Ne':
I am so thankful this day to be in our beloved Philippines once again. Each day as we read the notes of love and encouragement that you sent with the team, we remember how many people it took to send us on this adventure. We have used every medicine, given away every gift, and played every game that you sent with us. The books are already being integrated into their new library, the laptops are assigned to the high school students, the iPhones were a great surprise for Kuya Toto and his wife Babes, the unicycles have been ridden in preparation for the upcoming basketball outreach trip, the letters have all been shared with the kids, the flip-flops are already being broken in, and the search for new ovens and a giant mixer for the bakery has begun.
Thank you, LORD, for allowing us once again to serve you in the Philippines. Thank you for keeping our team safe, for allowing us to see every patient, for allowing us to play with the kids and encourage the staff, for giving us good sleep and delicious food. What an abundance you have given us this day!
Thanks from Kurt:
I thank God for the honor and privilege to be able to come back here to the Philippines twice in the same year! The kids, the staff and the people of the Philippines have forever changed me and I will never be able to give back what they have given me. My hope and prayer is that I can come back year after year and pour my life into this place. My love for the kids and the staff has humbled me and I feel like my family of three has increased by 30!! God is good!
Thanks from Kelly:
Thank you to my Heavenly Father for allowing me this amazing opportunity to be here in the Philippines. This trip has forever changed me and my desire is to come back over and over and over! The kids here at Sankey are beautiful and gifted and no words can express my love for them. The staff here is phenomenal and the love they lavish on the kids and us leaves me speechless. I came to impact people and yet, I leave impacted by them! A gift I will cherish forever. The kids and staff here have stolen my heart!
Thank you to all the people who made it possible for me to serve. Without you and your prayers, I would not be here. God will reward you for your obedience and sacrifice! We serve a BIG GOD and I am humbled by His Love and Mercy! Thank You Jesus! My family has just gotten bigger!!!
Noah, mommy and daddy are coming home soon!!!! Thanks to our “family” the Erps for loving on our son while we are here! We love you so much! We are forever indebted to you!
Thanks from Ryan:
I thank God for the opportunity to serve such amazing people in the Philippines. Everyone from the kids at the orphanage to the staff to the people we are serving in the community. It's a blessing to give back to those who are truly grateful for the work we are able to provide. I'm thankful for the blessings I've been given that allowed me to opportunity to come here and serve. I'm also thankful for such an great group of people to be a part of the trip. La Ne', Jeff, Kelly, Kurt and Melissa all are truly amazing individuals in their faith, talent and servant attitude. Faith in the Lord has helped us accomplish incredible things while we were here. Philippians 4:13.
Living here over the past week I'm also thankful for all the little things that we take for granted back home. Warm showers, running water 24/7, winter and fall seasons, regulated two-way traffic and stop signs. Experiencing the differences also made me appreciate the simple way of life. Things run much slower here and it has given me time to slow down and appreciate the little things.
I also want to send thanks to my family and friends who were so supportive of the trip. Their prayer and financial support has given us the opportunity to serve so many. Happy Thanksgiving to all who read this!
Thanks from Jeff:
I am thankful for my church. And I am thankful for the opportunity to sever and work for the universal church. It is a great joy and privilege to deliver the generous gifts of our church, friends and family. I am thankful for Kurt the champion of pus, Kelly the deliver of the breath of life (respiratory treatments), Melissa our secrete weapon and Filipina spy who has done a little of everything, Ryan the master of injections and simple math in the pharmacy, and of course my precious and beautiful wife who has been at my side for many years, who is a great encouragement and strength whenever I need it. Thank you God. Thank you for the church, friend, family, co-works, their lover and their gifts that we were able to bring to the Philippines.
Thanks from Melissa:
Happy Thanksgiving everybody. I thank God for His Salvation. I thank God for all the blessings and for all He has done for me. For my family and friends. I thank God for giving me this opportunity to serve Him and serve the Filipinos in need. For all the family and friends who supported this Mission financially and through prayers. God's working in our lives is so amazing. We have helped so many family here and we have touched so many people's lives.
I thank the staff here at Sankey who work hard everyday to care for the wonderful kids. Thank you Bernal Church for bringing this Mission team here.
Thank you to my team: Jeff, La Ne', Kelly , Kurt, Ryan.